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Reflected Reality

The project Reflected Reality is an attempt to emphasize environmental communication through interactive technology and encourage our collective responsibility.




This project is an interactive installation accompanied by a database that addresses the adverse environmental effect of the global manufacturing process considering the textile industry of Bangladesh as a case study. The project will demonstrate that the developed countries share a crucial responsibility as the primary consumers of the products manufactured in these polluted countries. The project will outline different facets of environmental pollution and illustrate how people from these polluted countries suffer without getting the deserved benefit from the manufacturing process.  


Water Pollution Installation


The installation showcases the dying process of the textile industry. This project aims to remind the viewers how their colorful clothes cause water pollution by emitting harmful chemicals. This installation identifies the colors from the participant's dress and visualizes the flow of that color through the sculptural waterbody. Audio accompanies this process describing the harmful chemical component used in the color 

Fabrication Methods: image processing, painting, kirigami, woodwork.

Software: MATLAB, Arduino Mega FastLED Library.

Hardware: Camera, Arduino, LED strips, Motion sensor


Sound Pollution Installation

The average noise level in the working areas in the textile industries is approximately 78 dB, even though WHO (World Health Organization) has declared the optimum level of noise to maintain a healthy environment as 45 dB by day and 35 dB by night. Industry noise exceeding these levels can have severe impacts on human health.


This installation utilized the sound recorded from a garment factory in Bangladesh. This installation is designed to make the audience feel the physical turmoil the workers feel all day, even if they are listening only for a minute. I walked around the factory for a few hours and got exhausted by the sound of hundreds of sewing machines running. After my visit, I decided to transfer this monotonous screeching sound to my exhibition area. I designed a screen displaying the sound level accompanying the sound


Software: Arduino Mega FastLED Library.

Hardware: Arduino, LED strips, Distance sensor

Air Pollution Installation


A study done in 41 textile plants collected environmental data on the presence of air pollutants including PM (fine particulate matter) and formaldehyde in the air. These chemical compounds are severely harmful to people who are working inside textile plants.

If formaldehyde enters the body unconstrained from external sources through either inhalation or ingestion of substances for a long time, it can decrease the number of white blood cells and possibly lower platelet and hemoglobin counts. As humans are incapable of seeing air pollutants with the naked eye, I decided to visualize it symbolically Utilizing Augmented Reality


Methods: Touch Designer for visualization, Image Tracking to registration Augmented Reality visualization

Hardware: Mobile device for AR experience

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